Meet Our Rabbi

Rabbi Lisa
We are delighted that Rabbi Lisa Bock is our rabbi here in beautiful Ojai. Rabbi Lisa is our spiritual leader, leading our Shabbat services twice each month and all High Holidays. She is a Mussar leader and facilitator with the Mussar Institute, leads life cycle ceremonies, provides spiritual care to patients in hospice and their families, teaches in various settings, and joined the team of the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning Instructors in 2014.
But, most importantly, she is a warm, embracing presence with an open ear for all of our spiritual needs.
Meet Our Cantor

Cantor Mitzi
The Jewish Community of Ojai (JCO) welcomes Mitzi Schwarz as its Cantorial Soloist and Certified Chaplain to its clergy staff. She has been leading services as a Cantorial Soloist and Service Leader since 2001.
Her passion has always encompassed music, healing, teaching, and spirituality. She began this role to JCO in December, 2022 although she had already been on the pulpit during the previous two cycles of High Holy Day services.
Our people

- The Red Tent is our intergenerational women's group. This month will offer Reflective Writing - Getting to Know Ourselves and Each Other
- Multiple DatesInterested in a slightly different game to play? If you know what the card game gin rummy is all about, you are halfway to understanding Rummikub.
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple DatesThe JCO men's club invites you to enjoy companionship, insightful conversation and activities.
- Multiple Dates