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January 2025



WELCOME 2025!!  I love having a “kickoff point” to focus on doing better.  How lucky we are to have two New Years to celebrate; to make resolutions to begin new (or refresh) journeys of our lives?  Although each Shabbat we have a chance to analyze ourselves, the tendency is to wait until there is a new calendar kick off day (Rosh HaShana; January 1 on the secular calendar) and here we have it…our second chance for doing better as a person, a neighbor, a friend, an involved congregant.  Here’s your chance to make a pledge to yourself and family: to improve your health; to improve your spiritual self (& your family’s); to just ‘Do Better”!  Welcome 2025!


This past year for JCO was simply amazing.  We continued with so many offerings of being community’d.  Book Club, Bunco, Rummikub, Speaker Series, The Red Tent (our intergenerational women’s group) The Men’s Group, Movie Night, Torah Study, the High HolyDays (I fondly like to refer to them as the HiHos!) Pesach, our weekly Shabbat services.  We have grown as a community and what JCO has to offer you.  And we are always looking for more things of interest for you.  If you have an idea, please send me an email so we can work on it together and bring it to life, if it’s at all possible.

Our Chai for Chai group is growing.  What we are planning for those who have supported our Security Fund by purchasing a Chai for Chai pin is a smattering of events, which will begin in the first quarter of 2025.  I guess for pin wearers it could be considered the Chai for Chai Chavurah.  There’s plenty of room for more to join this special group of pin wearers.  If you’re wanting to get a pin, please send an email to our Vice-President Ira at to make arrangements.

Always concerned about the safety of our congregants, Larry Steingold, the Safety Committee chair, is asking for your help in developing the committee to the next level by creating an Emergency Preparedness Plan.  As we grow, with more members and with more activities, we need to be more vigilant.  Please look for Larry’s letter that will be sent out this month and join us on Thursday evening January 30th at 7pm in the Social Hall.  This is important.


Oh my goodness!  I didn’t mention Chanukah above.  Our Chanukah party was great!  Led by Cantor Mitzi (who was accompanied by Morah Hayley Silvers and Miles Lang) we had a children’s service followed by a community service and in between we all lit our menorahs.  After services, in the Social Hall, we had an amazing meal of brisket & chicken (plus, plus) complete with latkes, and doughnuts.  We were entertained by Ray the Magician and Cantor Mitzi, Morah (teacher) Hayley and Miles on strings.  Our Torah School kids sang us an amazing song!! (I was filled with naches!!)  There was conversation, games for the kids available.  IT. WAS. AMAZING----Which leads me to this very serious topic:  WE NEED HELP….core people keep doing all the work all the time and we are getting tired…and when we’re done, when we simply can’t do it anymore, JCO folds.  We’ve worked too hard, we’ve come together too often, we’ve community’d too much to let JCO falter.  It’s time for others to help….send either Sheila Cohn an email  or me.  Let’s keep this ‘party’ going….!

Here's an important tidbit:  Our online calendar is now in the members only area on our website….for safety reasons.  This is an important tool that is updated all the time so you know what’s going on at JCO.  But it’s for your eyes only, JCO members, and not those of any possible bad actors.  We are always thinking of your safety.  Not sure how to access the Members Only section of the website?  Send Ira Levin an email and make arrangements for guidance.  Its easy and its safe.  And, all requests to have access to the Members Only area are vetted!!


Our weekly services will continue with our wonderful Rabbi Lisa and Cantor Mitzi.  Here’s a heads up!  In an effort to have our doors open for everyone to attend services in the months of February, March and April we will continue our expansion survey of services by offering Friday night services and once a month you will have the opportunity to attend both a Friday night service (lay lead) and once a month Saturday morning service (led by clergy).  Please refer to the online calendar for details.


This month, the month of January, will be an exciting change for Rick and I as we venture across the pond to visit the Jewish history in Spain.  We can’t wait to experience it and bring our new knowledge back to JCO to share.  In the interim, have a fabulous, warm and health January---and Happy (secular) New Year!!



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