March 2025
Well wasn’t February an interesting month? The weather certainly couldn’t make up its mind if we were in winter, spring or summer. We experienced a gorgeous and warm last week, that ended in cold weather. If that’s not confusing, what is?
There are kudos necessary for a few of our dedicated congregants who have gone beyond the norm to help keep our Temple grounds in good working order. When you come to shul and enter the Social Hall, you’ll be greeted with an incredibly clean and well-maintained flooring. We have Rick Bloom to thank for that. He coordinated with a contractor to come in during evening hours to repair, clean and seal the floor. Rick was also responsible for moving all the furniture and chairs out of the Social Hall (with the help of Mark Rubinstein) and return all the furniture and chairs (with the help of Dave Wertlieb) before the Social Hall was to be utilized for our Book Club. JCO was built on people helping people in the Jewish community. This is an example of how our community continues. Thank you Mark, Dave and especially Rick. (Now…take care of your recently operated on back Rick, please!!)
March holds some very exciting events for our JCO community. Our first Saturday, March 1, starts off with Shabbat services led by Rabbi Lisa and followed by a community potluck. We have the artist who designed and created our 8 stained glass windows that surround us when we are in shul coming on March 9 as part of our Speaker Series to explain the fine details of these gorgeous pieces of art. The women of JCO will gather on March 16 as the Red Tent explores the history of cookbooks in Jewish homes. Purim will be celebrated with Cantor Mitzi on March 14’s Shabbat services. Rummikub continues as well as the Men’s Group; our Book Club and Bunco. Plus a special event for all those who have donated and received a Chai pin is in the makings. Please utilize our online calendar in the ‘Members Only’ section for any updates.
As a reminder, all our events are open to our members in good standing. If you are a potential member of JCO, we would love for you to attend any of our events for 3 times (mix ‘n match if you wish) to see if JCO is a good fit for your spiritual and/or community needs. We would love for you to be a part of our JCO family if you aren’t already. Please visit our website for details.
I’m looking at the yearly calendar and it’s very evident to me that my second term as your President is starting to wind down. I look back over the almost 3 years and see all that was accomplished and realize that these programs that are now in place, need to continue in order for JCO to thrive…and it can’t be a one-person job. Frankly, we need your help. We need help on our established committees, many of which have only one person doing all the work. We need help in planning holiday events; in our programming area that brings special events to the community; in working on our Religious Committee. We need help in helping others on our Helping Hands committee. It is my intent to have substantial committees in place within the next 3 months. You know that familiar saying : “Many hands make light work”. Please don’t turn down the opportunity to help grow JCO; help others; help grow yourself.
And here’s a big one: If you have some fresh ideas for JCO; if you’d like to see JCO change in any manner, bring your voice to a Board Meeting. We gather at 7pm on the 2nd Monday of each month. I really admire our Board of Directors and what we accomplish each month but there’s always room for improvement and we can certainly use your help. It’s time for all of us to roll up our sleeves and get community’d.
415.713.9030 This is my phone number. Call me. I’d be keen to talk to you about anything JCO. We’ve built a great community together…I want to hear how we can keep it going.