Torah School

Hayley Silvers
We are excited to announce that JCO will offer Torah School beginning on August 29, 2024!
Please welcome our young and vibrant new Torah School teacher, Hayley Silvers.
Hayley holds a B.A. from California State University, Los Angeles, and is the recipient of the Builders of Jewish Education (BJE) Smotrich Award for being a rising star in Jewish education.
She loves nothing more than helping young people discover their passion, creativity, strength, and helping them develop their connection to their Jewish identity. She brings with her over 15 years of professional experience in various traditional and non-traditional schooling environments. Most recently, she has acted as Religious Educator and Songleader at Temple Aliyah and Shomrei Torah’s Jewish Learning Cooperative. She hopes to journey onwards towards cantorial and rabbinical school, to further her own education and desire to serve her Jewish Community while creating a vibrant Torah School at JCO!
Halyey will instruct children as young as four years old and take them through learning the Jewish way of life including Hebrew words, arts and crafts, Judaica and our cultural symbols as they prepare for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah and their life as a Jew.
Torah School is an educational institution where Jewish students learn about the Torah, Jewish traditions language and values. It provides a structured environment for religious and cultural instruction, starting at a young age to instill a strong foundation in Judaism.
Our new Torah School's first day is August 29th. We will be in session Thursday afternoons, following the Ojai Public School's calendar. Last day of Torah School is June 5. A detailed calendar will be supplied for you with a welcome package.
For grades 2 and below, the hours are 4pm -5:15pm
For grades 3-6, the hours are 4pm-6pm
A health-conscious snack will be offered at 4:45 so it shouldn't interfere with dinner after Torah School.
Torah School Mission Statement
The Jewish Community of Ojai's Torah School’s mission is to cultivate a vibrant and inclusive learning environment where our children can begin to build a meaningful connection with our Jewish traditions, values, and heritage. Guided by the teachings of Torah, we are committed to fostering a lifelong love of learning, ethical living, and community engagement. Through innovative programming, meaningful rituals, and nurturing relationships, we strive to empower each student to embrace their Jewish identity, contribute to the world with compassion and wisdom, and enrich the tapestry of Jewish life in Ojai and beyond.
Please click here to enroll your child in our Torah School: