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A lot going on Reeh
Chayei Sarah 5783
Dispute for the Sake of Heaven
Emerging from the Cave
Geting to Gratitude
Lech Lecha 5784 – Purpose, Responsibility, and Hope
Parashat Behar-Bechukotai:We are all responsible for one another, Kulanu acherim zeh l’zeh
Right in Front of Us - Balak
The Zealot Pinchas 5782
YK 5783 The Boys
Zelophehads daughters and the Teeter-Totter
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim 5783: The Scapegoat and the Cookie Jar
Chukat 5872 Waters of Meribah On Anger Loss and Forgetting
EYK 5783 The Driver and the Duck
Erev RH 5784 – Shabbat is the Cure! – a Cure for Loneliness
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Mishpatim 5781 Who is the stranger
RH 5783 Love and Connection
Sending Scouts and Unbridled Fear Parashat Shlach 5782
The Cornice Courage and Change
Truth Emet
YK 5784 – Earth 2.0
Antidotes to Sinat Chinam
Dear friends Sermon October 13 2023
Earth Day 2023
Erev YK 5784 – Choice and Returning to the Holy Potenfial Within
Kedoshim You Shall Be Holy 5782
On Antisemitism and_ Passover 5781
RH 5784 – Channah and Hagar’s Resilience – Three Traits to Embrace
The Yetzer and the Sotah - Parashah Naso 5782
Vaetchanan 5782 A Confluence of Dates
You are what you eat Shmini 5781